Tuesday, March 18, 2008

107th post!! :D
Today new things learnt!! (:

I learnt how to download photoshop brushes and how to use them!!
Im really happy, coz i always dunno lor.0.o
Im going to use the brushes with some anime pics. to make a banner for my e-portfolio.

Today Im super duper uber pissed.
coz when i reached redhill, i saw this a-beh peeing on the road, how kukumalu? 0.o
then I saw his ****/*****...which Im totally being disgusted at.
So uncivilised...
and I wnt up to him and this dialogue happened.

A-Beh: 什么?
Me: 你可以不要在这里。。。小便吗?
A-beh: 什么?
Me: I mean..你不要在这里小便可以吗?
A-Beh: 什么?}

I was like grrrr....
he act dumb all the way lor, i was damn pissed can??
peeing on the road was crazy and kukumalu alrdy lor.
He still say “什么”for 3 times leh, act dumb...even more kukumalu.
I hope I will nt met a-behs who had nth to do bt pee on the road nxt time...
BUt if i did, I shall ask them to stop even if they“什么”all the way lor.0.o

Please look forward to my new banner and 108th post!! (:

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